Richard “ROACH” Kler embarked on his musical journey in 6th grade, initially in the orchestra. In 1992, he transitioned to the world of hip-hop production, marking the beginning of a prolific career. His impressive credits feature collaborations with notable artists such as RBX the Narrator, Krayzie Bone, Crooked I of COB, and Rasheed from Dope House Records, among others.
ROACH is currently immersed in the exciting endeavor of releasing his entire personal catalog as an artist. Some of his standout tracks, including “Tha Push” by RBX, “If I Go Crazy,” “Satellite,” and “On My Own,” showcase his diverse and dynamic production skills. Keep an ear out for the distinctive sound of Richard “ROACH” Kler, a seasoned music producer making waves in the hip-hop scene.